site grand opening ★ NEW

posted - 5:11 1.26.25

Welcome to! This site is hosted proudly on Neocities (the link to their home page can be found at the bottom of this post and on the LINKS page) and is coded primarily by poladazmiu, whose website you can find at!

Let's start by giving a great big thank you to everyone who visits my site. I appreciate you a great deal, because knowing people enjoy interacting and looking through my webspace makes me enjoy having a site! So, thank you! It's really a pleasure to be hosting an alcove of the world-wide-web.

Here's a run-down of the pages of cattree, along with some useful links to get you started.

The announcements page will also post news at the top of the page you're on right now- home- but for an archive of all announcements and relevant ones for the day, week, month, or maybe year (as will be designated there), visit that page.

The links page hosts a great deal of useful, fun, and interesting links to other webspaces. Here you can find links to resources for your own webpage, links to other people's established sites, and even more links to places on the web I feel need to be at others' disposal as well.

The terms of reproduction and guestbook pages are pretty straightforward. TOR explains under what circumstances my art, characters, persona, and writing can be used and reproduced. Meanwhile, the guestbook is a fun place where you can sign, leave a funny, kind, or interesting note, and drop your website for me to visit!

You're at the home page right now. This page is a hub for all the newest, featured, and important stuff (sourced from other pages on the site) to be, usually for a limited time! Also, you's probably noticed the content on the sidebars- these sidebars will accompany you on your journey through the site because all content is in something called an iframe. If you're a coder, you know what that is! In any case, this content will be viewable while on any page that isn't shrines.

about me hosts my introduction, likes, dislikes, and more stuff specific to and introducing me to people like you. The page name pretty much explains it, so I don't feel the need to go too in-depth.

The diary page is my personal journal, which I update almost every day. A side note- did you know that 'jour' is 'day' in French? Doesn't that make perfect sense? Any-way, in this page, I'll talk about my day, things I like, and things I found noteworthy enough to go into a daily entry. These entries will never disappear, so I plan on having entries from the very beginning of this site available to read indefinitely!

The prose page is filled with lots of writing I've done, from chapters of full stories to unfinished paragraphs. Whatever and whenever I write, I generally (will) post it here! Stories are also often featured on the home page (here)- for example, come gently now is featured underneath this post!

In characters, you can visit some of my characters, as the page name suggests. This page is a sort of 'about me' for my characters; you can find things like their introductions, likes, dislikes, and more character-specific stuff. I suggest looking at styopa's page first!

The page katseye-kismet is actually referring to Poladazmiu and I's shared sketch and collage book. So how does that work? Well, we take pictures of the pages and upload them to this digital page, making a digital archive of our sketchbook and progress in art. When we finish Katseye-Kismet and move on to another sketchbook (inevitably named something else), we'll change the name of the page so you know what book we're on. Of course, we'll also have Katseye-Kismet archived in the vault, which I'll get around to explaining later.

shrines is the place where I honor things I really, really like, like Radiohead, Poladazmiu, and my cats. You can navigate to each shrine through the navigation tab on the left sidebar- the changed one that only appears when you click the shrines navigation minitab.

the vault is, finally, the place where all older posts and, imn the future, versions of the site are located. Find stuff like last year's diary entries and drawings as well as predecessors to Katseye-Kismet.

And that should be it for the page summaries! As I said above, you can find the Neocities homepage here, and to get you started with something to do on my site, try looking for the secret page by clcking on pictures and text, sending a message in the chatbox, and signing the guestbook!

THANK YOU again for giving me some much needed support and visiting my site! Safe travels!

come gently now ★ featured

written all by diascia

It's a gross, wet string of spit that catches on his teeth when he coughs. White beads of saliva hang from the roof of mouth to the surface of dry tongue. The hacking starts again, slowly, and then violently; regurgitating blows of loud struggle cause him to shake and stand from the bare mattress, each one causing more pain than the last. The sounds grow into a desperate whine that seems to shrink; he searches through a blurry film in hopes of finding some holy liquid he could swallow to coat his throat and ease his pain. Knees fall to the floor, elbow and arm raised to cover the mouth, palm of the other hand glued to the cement. He gasps for air in between hacks and struggles to breathe; heavy drops of stomach acid splat onto the floor after being forced from the depths of his esophagus. It's a green and foul-smelling liquid, he detests the odor-- much too familiar. One of his thin hands reaches for his chest and hits its surface hard, creating some discomfort at the forefront of the ribcage, but succeeding in his goal. He coughs once more, this one with an expression of finality about it, and he spits out a blood clot with the color of dried figs and coal.

After the coughing fit, he stands: as always, this new sense of common enlightenment, or perhaps gratefulness (neither of these words serving the right definition, of course) comes about him, head tilted up and shaky eyes fixated on that spot of water damage on the rubbled ceiling. His fists clench when he thinks about the state of his living space. It's a somewhat well preserved room in his late mother's home, a home that has been abandoned for seven years. Her belongings lay scattered throughout the dirtied hallways of the house-- half-used bottles of lipgloss in all sorts of bold colors, discarded sequin-covered tops whose whole goal must've been to show off the cleavage of the wearer. He begins to criticize more about the room, from the unevenness of the hardwoods to the fist-sized hole in the teal-colored wall. When he realizes the expression made upon his face and the intensity of his nails digging into his palm, he looks away from the room's ceiling and fixes his gaze onto his hands. Work, work, work. He forces himself to walk, right leg limping while the other hits the concrete hard, body mass weighing all on his left. His body: a frail thing, submerged corpse left out to dry. He's not the slightest bit sightly, but perhaps once was, when his face was full and a healthy amount of flesh covered his bones. Eyes the color of the sea. It's always been the subject of uneasy thought, his eyes. He's inspected his irises, his pupils, the color of his cornea, searching for something, something, something. But all tries turn to failure and he sinks back into this endless and infinite rut of guilt-- guilt for a crime of which he is innocent.

Read more of this in the prose page.

1.25.25 diary ★ NEW

feeling... so tired

Dear Diary…

I’m Diascia and you are my diary!!! I’ll do my best to write entries as often as I can. I’ll arrange it like this: something exciting that happened, something disappointing (WITH positive reflection), and special feature of the day! I may occasionally go off the prompt, but that’ll be okay. I’m really looking forward to this!!!

Okay, first; something exciting. Technically, this didn’t happen today, but it’s my diary and I can do what I want!! I played guitar and sang to my ENTIRE HIGHSCHOOL yesterday!!!! I know, I know… kind of boring…. BUT a ton of my friends and so many strangers stopped me in the hallway to compliment me on my performance after the show was over, and that made me feel so happy!! I was definitely nervous and shaking like a leaf up there in the absolutely blinding spotlights, but I somehow managed to play the full song and receive quite the applaud afterward :-) It was a really great experience that’ll stick with me for a while!! Even though I was scared out of my mind, I’m glad I went up there and did it anyway. I wore an outfit that APPARENTLY got tons of compliments from people in the audience!!!

I would write about something exciting that’s happened TODAY, but it is 11:41 in the.. morning? afternoon?? ???? I’m not really sure what the term is, but it is pretty early, and I am at my father’s house sitting around and watching twisted American politics. How I long to be all cozy in my bed at home!! Oh well. Sometimes I feel obliged to ‘spend time’ with my dad because all my brother ever does is barricade himself in his room upstairs while we’re over here, which sucks because most times he just sits on his spot on the couch and drinks stale alcohol. His house isn’t very orderly, either. It’s a mess in pretty much every room: envelopes scattered on countertops, piles of half-full glasses in places they shouldn’t be… I try to help, but whenever I clean, it just ends up being messier. But! That is not the point of this paragraph!!! I think I’m going to find something else to write about.

Something disappointing! Well, exactly that— the fact that I had to stay at my father’s house last night :-( I was kind of not looking forward to that once I was told. But I feel I’ve complained enough about it.. Positive reflection: just deal with it!!! Nothing more left to say!!

Anyway… that’s it for my first entry! I got a little distracted and am now kind of not feeling the motivation. But I’ll definitely be back tomorrow!!! Bye!!!

With love for Pola,